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Collection: Stainless steel coffee grinders

For coffee lovers, the coffee grinder is part of the basic equipment in the kitchen at home. There is a large selection of different models on the market. A coffee grinder made of stainless steel inspires with stability and durability. In addition, the stainless steel gives it a high-quality look. With the stainless steel mills, you also have the choice between manual and electric models. Whether for beginners or professional baristas, with our large selection of stainless steel coffee grinders you will definitely find the right grinder for your needs. Discover now and order comfortably at home.

33 products
  • Hario V60 Electric Coffee Grinder Compact
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  • Timemore Chestnut C3 Max Pro coffee grinder - S2C grinder
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  • Goat Story Arco coffee grinder 2 in 1
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  • Timemore Chestnut C3S Pro coffee grinder - S2C grinder - New model 2023
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  • Timemore Chestnut C3S Max Coffee Grinder - S2C Grinder - New Model 2023
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  • Pietro Grinder coffee grinder
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  • Timemore Chestnut C3 ESP Pro Kaffeemühle - S2C Mahlwerk - SPRING 2024 DEAL
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  • Kinu M47 Titan Kaffeemühle (Limited Edition) inkl. 15 EUR Gutschein auf Kaffee
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  • Timemore Chestnut S3 Kaffeemühle - S2C Mahlwerk - SPRING 2024 DEAL -
    Timemore Chestnut S3 Kaffeemühle schwarz, eingeklappter Griff
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  • Timemore Chestnut S3 Kaffeemühle - S2C Mahlwerk - SPRING 2024 DEAL -
    Timemore Chestnut S3 Kaffeemühle grün
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Warum sollte ich meine Kaffeebohnen frisch mahlen?

Wir empfehlen dir deine benötigte Menge an Kaffeebohnen immer unmittelbar vor dem Aufbrühen frisch zu mahlen. Denn sobald das Aroma des Kaffees mit Sauerstoff in Verbindung kommt, verflüchtigt es sich relativ schnell. In der Kaffeebohne ist das Aroma dagegen gut geschützt und entfaltet sich erst nach dem Mahlvorgang. Wenn du das Mahlgut dann direkt für die Zubereitung deines Kaffees nutzt, wird dein Kaffee besonders aromatisch im Geschmack. Gemahlenes Kaffeepulver solltest du übrigens luftdicht und lichtgeschützt aufbewahren und innerhalb von zwei Wochen aufbrauchen. Ein weiterer Vorteil beim Mahlen mit einer Kaffeemühle ist, dass du den Mahlgrad ganz auf deinen individuellen Geschmack und die unterschiedlichen Zubereitungsmethoden abstimmen kannst.

How do I clean a stainless steel coffee grinder?

To clean your stainless steel grinder, you need a damp microfiber cloth, which you can use to remove light dirt from the surface. You can remove grinding residue from the grinding mechanism inside with a brush or a narrow vacuum cleaner. With electric coffee grinders, you can simply clean the bean container with a damp cloth to remove the greasy residue from the coffee beans.

What grinders are there?

With the electric and hand-operated coffee grinders, you usually have the choice between a disc and a conical grinder. The difference here is the structure of the grinder. The disc grinder consists of two discs on top of each other and the coffee beans are pressed from the inside out during the grinding process and are thus crushed. The cone grinder, on the other hand, has a cone-shaped structure and grinds the coffee and espresso beans between the inner cone and the outer wall of the grinder. Due to the funnel-shaped structure, the ground material is pressed directly down into the collection container.